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Dangerous goods regulations

  • Dangerous Goods include (but are not limited to):
  • Explosives, gases, flammable materials, oxidizers and organic peroxides, corrosives, infectious and toxic/poisonous substances, radioactive materials, and other hazardous substances such as Lithium ion/metal batteries, magnetic or environmentally hazardous Substances.
  • Passengers may transport certain Dangerous Goods within the guidelines specified in the table below.
  • Besides the Dangerous Goods Regulation, the national and international legislation (such as liquid or customs restrictions) must be taken into account. You may contact our Central Reservations Department for further details.
  • Your checked/hold baggage may be opened by authorities for security reasons. If it is locked, Flightlink shall not be held responsible for any damages which may occur.

Disabling Devices

Such as pepper spray, mace, or Electro Shock Weapons

Not accepted

Security type cash boxes or bags with pyrotechnic material

Such as attache cases

Not accepted

Cylinders or devices which include liquid oxygen

Not accepted

Liquids or beverages containing more than 70% alcohol

Not accepted

Engines or equipment which includes fuel or gas

Such as chainsaw, or lawn mover

Not accepted


Such as fireworks, or signal flares

Not accepted

Flammable materials

Such as lighter gas, camping gas cylinder, flammable paint, oil, gas, liquids, and solids

Not accepted

Oxidizers, corrosives or toxic/poisonous materials

Cleaning materials, or chemicals with oxidizing, corrosive and/or toxic effects such as bleach, or acidic cleaners

Not accepted

Pressurized tubes/cylinders

Such as fire extinguishers, carbon dioxide cylinders

Not accepted

Spillable Battery

Such as automobile batteries or spillable WCH batteries

Not accepted

Self balancing rollers/scooters

Airwheel, solowheel, hoverboard, mini-segway, balance wheel, etc

Not accepted

Battery Powered mobility devices and wheelchairs

Such as Wheelchairs with non-spillable batteries. Spillable batteries are not accepted.

Allowed as checked baggage. (collapsible mobility devices with lithium ion batteries could be accepted in cabin).

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Liquid fuel containers

Such as camping stoves

Not accepted (could be permitted in *checked baggage if empty).

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.


Such as cartridges for weapons, Only class 1.4s is accepted

Max 5kg gross weight per person. Allowed as *checked baggage only.

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Mercury barometer or thermometer

Could only be transported by a government representative

Allowed at cabin baggage only.

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Medical or clinical thermometer including mercury

Allowed 1 thermometer per person in its protective cover at *checked baggage, hand baggage or on **one’s person only.

Heat producing articles

Such as underwater torches, diving lamps and soldering irons

Allowed in hand baggage and *checked baggage only.

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Medical oxygen or air cylinders

Max 5 kg gross weight. Allowed as hand baggage and *checked baggage only.

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Medical devices containing lithium cells

Such as AED, CPAP, POC, Nebulizer, Respirator

Allowed at *checked baggage, hand baggage and on **one’s person only.

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Alcoholic beverages

Max 5 kg per person.

Other liquid and customs legislations must be considered

Aerosols in division 2.2 for sporting or home use

Such as cold sprays, air freshener

Allowed at *checked baggage, max 2lt per person(each tube max 500ml).

Other liquid and customs legislations must be considered.

Toilet articles, cosmetics

Such as aerosols, perfumes, hair sprays medicines (non-radioactive)

Max 2lt per person (each tube max 500ml).

Other liquid and customs legislations must be considered

Life Jacket (with gas cylinder fitted into)

2 cartridges on device and 2 spare up to 50ml water capacity are allowed.

Other liquid and customs legislations must be considered

Lithium ion battery powered devices (between 100Wh and 160Wh)

Batteries above 160Wh are not accepted

Allowed on **one’s person, in hand baggage or checked baggage. They must be completely turned off, protected against damage, and must not be packed with other flammable materials.

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Spare Lithium ion batteries between 100Wh and 160WhSpare Lithium ion batteries between 100Wh and 160Wh

Batteries above 160Wh are not accepted

Allowed at hand baggage and on **one’s person only. Max 2 pcs. per person

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Damaged, defective or recalled lithium batteries or devices


Portable electronic devices containing small batteries

The non-spillable batteries must be less than 12V and 100wh. Li-metal content up to 2mg and Li-ion batteries up to 100Wh such as laptops, camcorders, cellular phone.

Each person is limited to a maximum of 15 portable electronic device. They must be completely turned off, protected against damage, and must not be packed with other flammable materials.

Spare batteries and charging devices/ Powerbanks

Non Spillable batteries less than 12V and 100wh. Li-metal content up to 2mg and Li-ion batteries up to 100Wh

Allowed at hand baggage only. Must be protected to prevent short circuit. Each person is limited to a maximum of 20 spare batteries.

Approval must be obtained at time of check-in.

Carbon dioxide solid (Dry Ice)

Allowed at hand baggage or checked baggage, max 2,5 kg per person.

Other liquid and customs legislations must be considered

Dry Shipper

Insulated packagings containing refrigerated liquid nitrogen

Allowed at hand baggage or checked baggage.

Matches and lighters

‘Strike anywhere’ matches, ‘Blue flame’, or ‘Cigar’ lighters are forbidden

Allowed on **one’s person, 1 pcs per person only.

Electronic cigarettes

Such as e-cigars, e-pipes, electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) or other personal vaporizers (PV) containing batteries

Allowed on **one’s person and hand baggage only. They must be protected from accidental activation. Each installed or spare battery must not exceed 2gr lithium content or 100wh. Activating or recharging of these devices and/or batteries on board the aircraft is not permitted.

Smart Baggage

Baggage equipped with a lithium battery, motor, GPS, WiFi, etc.

The smart bags must be carried in the cabin. If the baggage must be checked in, the lithium battery must be removed from the baggage and the lithium battery must be carried in the cabin. Baggage where the lithium battery is designed to charge other devices and cannot be removed is forbidden for carriage.

  • *Checked baggage – the baggage given at check-in
  • **On one’s person – at passengers pocket, at his/her hand, or worn by him/he

List of prohibited articles for carriage by passengers and in cabin baggage

Without prejudice to applicable safety rules, passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles into security restricted areas and on board an aircraft:

Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles

Devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile, including:

  • firearms of all types, such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns
  • toy guns, replicas and imitation firearms capable of being mistaken for real weapons
  • component parts of firearms, excluding telescopic sights
  • compressed air and CO2 guns, such as pistols, pellet guns, rifles and ball bearing guns
  • signal flare pistols and starter pistols,
  • bows, cross bows and arrows,
  • harpoon guns and spear guns,
  • slingshots and catapults;

Stunning devices

Devices designed specifically to stun or immobilize, including:

  • devices for shocking, such as stun guns, teasers and stun batons,
  • animal stunners and animal killers,
  • disabling and incapacitating chemicals, gases and sprays, such as mace, pepper
  • sprays, capsicum sprays, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays

Blunt instruments

Objects capable of being used to cause serious injury when used to hit, including:

  • baseball and softball bats
  • clubs and batons, such as billy clubs, blackjacks and night sticks
  • martial arts equipment;

Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge

Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used to cause serious injury, including:

  • items designed for chopping, such as axes, hatchets and cleavers,
  • ice axes and ice picks
  • razor blades
  • box cutters
  • knives with blades of more than 6 cm
  • scissors with blades of more than 6 cm as measured from the fulcrum
  • martial arts equipment with a sharp point or sharp edge
  • swords and sabres

Explosives and incendiary substances and devices

Explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:

  • ammunition,
  • blasting caps,
  • detonators and fuses
  • replica or imitation explosive devices
  • mines, grenades and other explosive military stores
  • fireworks and other pyrotechnics
  • smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges
  • dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives
  • crowbars,
  • drills and drill bits, including cordless portable power drills,
  • tools with a blade or a shaft of more than 6 cm capable of use as a weapon, such as screwdrivers and chisels saws, including cordless portable power sawsblowtorches bolt guns and nail guns

Workmen’s tools

Tools capable of being used either to cause serious injury or to threaten the safety of aircraft, including:

  • crowbars,
  • drills and drill bits, including cordless portable power drills,
  • tools with a blade or a shaft of more than 6 cm capable of use as a weapon, such as
  • screwdrivers and chisels
  • saws, including cordless portable power saws
  • blowtorches
  • bolt guns and nail guns

List of prohibited articles for hold baggage

Passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles in their hold baggage: explosives and incendiary substances and devices:

Explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:

  • ammunition
  • blasting caps
  • detonators and fuses
  • mines, grenades and other explosive military stores
  • fireworks and other pyrotechnics
  • smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges
  • dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives

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